Live at the Bimhuis
  • Live at the Bimhuis

Live at the Bimhuis


The trio covers a wide terrain, from scratchy textural exchange energised sequences where lyrical bass clarinet spews out notes atop careening piano and tub-tubing drums. Though just over half an hour in length, it’s sufficient to show that this aggregation deserves more than one one off.”
John Sharpe, The New York City Jazz record

When Oğuz Büyükberber received a “Carte Blanche” from Akbank Festival in Istanbul in 2010 for their 20th anniversary, he invited Simon Nabatov and Gerry Hemingway. The immediate chemistry was the reason Oğuz included this trio when programming for another “Carte Blanche” in 2012, this time for Amsterdam’s Bimhuis. The music on this CD release is an excerpt from the Bimhuis concert which was recorded and broadcasted by VPRO. 



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Oğuz Büyükberber clarinets
Simion Nabatov piano
Gerry Hemingway drums
