



Kristina Fuchs - voice, hang

Jeroen van Vliet - piano, electronics

Mete Erker - saxophone, bass clarinet



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After I recorded “Im Röseligarte” – improvisations on folk songs of Switzerland (my home country), I wondered what kind of relationship the Dutch had with their folk music.

The Netherlands (where I live) is a multicultural trading nation, and its people are enthusiastic about folk music from far away places. Dutch folk music however is rather a distant memory… Of course, the Dutch are not alone in that. Though in some European countries there is a revival and renewal of folk music under way.

These songs are taken from the collection “Onder de Groene Linde” that was published in 2008, referring to Ate Doornbosch’s program at the Dutch radio from 1957 to 1993. Ate traveled the Netherlands with his tape recorder, recording people who still knew the old songs.

We chose 11 songs from this huge collection and played them our own way. Celebrating freedom.
